The Duluth Winter Trail Running Series could use some volunteers for the events. We'll need the most help for the Northwoods Winter Trail Marathon and Half Marathon Championships to cover a couple of aid stations and the start/finish line. If you, your friends or your group would like to help volunteer for Series races please contact us at adventurerunning@gmail.com or call us at 218-340-6170. If you'd like to volunteer for one of the opportunities listed below, please let us know and we'll plug you into that position.
Duluth Winter Trailrunning Series Volunteer Opportunities:
Before Race:
Race Logo Design for Series races (1) Anytime
Packet pick-up for Northwoods Marathon & Half Marathon at Trail Running Film Fest (2) - January 4, 2018 - 5-7 p.m.
Setting up race tent the morning before each race
Race Day:
Contact us for details on each race set up
Aid Stations:
Start/Finish area for all races
Two aid stations for Northwoods Marathon and Half Marathon
Post race clean up, taking tent down for all races